一家粉紅 (11/13)


週末Ken乾爹和Julia乾媽又來看我啦, 今天還真巧, 我們一家都是穿粉紅色呢! 乾媽是穿什麼都好看, 沒想到乾爹穿粉紅色也不賴呢~ (就我媽最不合群, 穿什麼深藍色嘛... 出門還穿個大拖鞋, 不要因為懷孕就這樣邋遢啦~)
This entry was posted on 2005年12月5日 星期一 at 上午11:07. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by bin shieh - 2005年12月6日 凌晨2:15
Sorry,After trying 3 times and informed ca'nt find the blogger,I wrote a email via yahoo.And then come back trying.TKS God it works.I see lovely Abby with pinkish dress & happy face again.