
發現爺爺胸前掛了叮叮咚咚好多東西 :D
可愛的一對祖孫 ^^
爺爺百忙之中抽空來看Abby, Abby果然沒有讓爺爺失望, 表現的實在是太好了啦! 從見到的第一眼就笑容滿面, 喝牛奶的時候還要一邊跟爺爺眨眼睛, 看得外婆羨慕不已~ 看來Abby對老男人比較友善呢 :P
回來這幾天已經見過好多親戚, Abby一路都是對姨公叔公才有笑臉, 姨婆嬸婆似乎不太討她歡心, 連外婆都是到昨天才能稍微抱一下她... 下次再哭鬧, 抱去公園看別人家的爺爺好了... 哈哈~
This entry was posted on 2005年12月26日 星期一 at 晚上8:40. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by bin shieh - 2005年12月27日 凌晨2:13
Dear Teri.Ray :
It is marvelous to see the photos.
TKS for posting so efficiently.
She is so clever & friendly to me.I'm very pleased.U all R great to have patience to deal with & accompany her in this week.
BRGs ,God bless U all!
# by bin shieh - 2005年12月27日 凌晨2:21
Dear Ray & Teri:
Could U PLS mail one photo (Abby & I)& another one(when she was wks old while Sean came to LA.we 6 had a family reunion)to me so that I can use them as a New Year card to friends & relatives.
TKS again!