Abby is 10 months old!

Abby今天滿10個月啦, 似乎有邁向另一個里程碑的象徵意味~ 回頭看她"小時候"的點點滴滴, 的確有點歲月催人老的感覺, 哈哈哈!
小朋友實在長得太快啦, 不知道這個blog會不會不知不覺得寫到她18歲, 似乎轉眼間我也要做外婆了 :P 要好好珍惜孩子的童年啊, 最美好的時光稍縱即逝, 一去不復返呢.
This entry was posted on 2005年11月22日 星期二 at 晚上10:33. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
# by bin shieh - 2005年11月23日 凌晨1:02
Dear Abby:
Congradulation!! U already 10 months old.I 'm so glad that Ur Mon chooses to accompany U and stay with U to see U grow-up.U R really beautiful & Qt.I ca't wait to C U & kiss U( thru N95 mask!). Tomorrow,We R going to have a fleat market to get some money 4 the Lily Fellowship of Keelung CGMH,f0r helping poor or sick people.In the evening musicl program and roasted turkey will be served to observe the thaqnksgiving day.Talk to U latter.Thank Ur Mon & BRGs to Ur Dady.Bye.God bless U all.
# by ray 瑞 - 2005年11月24日 晚上11:51
thank you abby's grandfather bin
you and grandmom shingon's love is truly fulfill abby's and our lives, and i think that's the most precious gift for this christmas and every christmas, now and ever. so we wish you a merry christmas, to two pairs of grand parents, and to you all, the friends, relatives, classmates, abby readers, blog viewers, web browsers by accidents, etc...